Meet a member of the ABA Board of Directors, Chuck Real. Mr. Real lives in Texas with his family.

Share a little about your farm operation:
110 Sow Purebred operation, Farrow to Finish, consisting of Berkshires, Yorkshires, Durocs, and Hampshires, with a few crossbred sows and boars. Farrow year round. Operate 20 head boar stud. Sell show pigs, breeding stock and niche marketing. 75 cow commercial cow-calf herd. Farm 750 acres – corn, grain sorghum, wheat, and oats.
Advice to those starting out in the industry:
First of all, have a passion and strong work ethic. Operate with integrity and seek out advice from trusted and respected mentors.
What is your favorite show/event?
Our Guadalupe County Youth Livestock Show on a local level. San Antonio Livestock Show on a state level. Southwest Conference at Belton on national level.
Fun Fact:
I love to hunt and bowl.