The ABA welcomes Drew Farrer to the team!
Drew was born and raised in Royal Center, IN and grew up on a cattle and hog farm. He and his family specialize in all show stock. Growing up in this industry included selling show pigs and breeding stock to various breeders across the country.
He attended Joliet Junior College and was a part of the livestock judging team and then finished at Purdue University and obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Animal Agribusiness. While at Purdue he was a member of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity and gained lots of close friendships and contacts throughout many states. He and his wife Stacy operate a small farm of a few sows and about ten to fifteen cows all bred for show stock.
When Drew is not busy working around the family farm, you can find him attending his boy's (Chase and Chip) sporting events and watching them show pigs. Drew is excited for this new opportunity to work with the American Berkshire Association.
Get to know: Drew Farrer, Field Rep. & Member Services Coordinator