Town: Gayville, SD

What is the best time and method to reach you with questions about your candidacy?
The best time is in the evening on my cellphone: 605-661-7179.
Background and Personal Info:
I graduated from South Dakota State University with Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Science and Economics. I started raising hogs with my brother when I was 12 years old. I now own and operate a diversified farming operation where we have 1400 acres of row crops: corn, soybeans, and alfalfa. We have a cattle herd and we background calves. On the hog side of the operation, we have a commercial hog operation where we work with partners to produce meat quality and maternal line crossbred gilts. We also have 60 purebred sows, and Berkshire and Duroc boars which we supply semen for our boar stud Power Point Boar Stud. My wife Sharon and I have 4 kids Ryan, Alison, Chase, Olivia.
How many Berkshire litters did you record last year?
I recorded 15 litters Berkshire litters last year.
How many years have you been raising Berkshires?
I have been raising Berkshires for 35 years.
In what ways are you actively involved in the Berkshire breed (local, state, national level)?
Over the last 35 years I have spent a lot of time promoting the Berkshire breed both locally and nationally. My operation focuses on the maternal side of the breed by selling Berkshire breeding stock to purebreds and crossbred producers across the United States and Japan. Through Power Point Boar stud, I supply 10,000 doses of Berkshire semen to large producers across the United States. Outside of my Berkshire operation I serve on the South Dakota Pork Council Executive Board and National Pork Producers Council nominating committee.
Give a brief narrative of what motivates you to be an ABA Board member and your goals for the board.
My biggest motivator is that I like to see the Berkshire hogs continue to get better. The Berkshire breed competitors are getting better and we need to continue to establish the breed in terms of carcass and meat evaluation. As a breed, we need to make sure we are doing everything we need to do, to make sure Berkshire is the moniker when they think of high-end pork.
As a member-driven organization, how do you envision increasing member opportunities, in addition to increasing member involvement in current ABA programs?
The Berkshire breed right now is blessed with popularity in several different arenas. As members we need to preserve the purebred heritage and take the right steps to make the hogs better.
If someone new asked you why they should raise Berkshires, how would you respond?
Berkshires have always been my favorite! I think Berks has the most potential market outlet. They produce high-end pork products and have grown in popularity at pig shows. If someone asked me why they should raise Berkshires I would just tell them they have more potential markets and they are a hearty, easy hog to raise.
What do you think is the biggest challenge the Berkshire breed faces and how do we navigate that challenge?
I think the biggest challenge we face as producers are the conversations with chefs, meat packers, and restaurants. As a breed, we need to make sure we improve the consistency of the hog and make sure we continue to improve the retail cuts on the carcass while improving the meat quality at the same time. Some of the conversations I have had with chefs focus on the size and consistency of the retail cuts when they get delivered to their restaurants. We need to get more consistent in retail cuts and the percent lean in the meat to make it better for those prepping our food.
What previous leadership experience do you have (church board, school board, pork producers, etc), and how will those experiences make you a good board member?
I have served and been involved in many different leadership roles. I’ve been involved in projects that were successful and ones that failed and I learned from those experiences which I can apply to the board. I currently serve on the South Dakota Pork Council Executive Board, National Pork Producers Council Nominating Committee (and other committees), I am a Chairman of my local Township and Chairman of the local School Board. I have previously served on North Central Pork Group, Board of Directors- Pork America, and Farm Credit Service of America Nominating Committee.
Why should ABA members vote for you?
I hope that my experience outside of the Berkshire business translates to me being helpful for finding direction for the future of the Berkshire breed.