We are excited to share that Cory Edge has accepted the Director of

Berkshire Operations role with the American Berkshire Association.
Cory will start his new role on September 21st and will be responsible for the following activities:
– Grow the demand for Berkshire seedstock and Berkshire pork
– Grow the Berkshire breed via litter registrations, transfers, and memberships
– Develop and launch the ABA Direct to Consumer Berkshire Pork Marketing Program
– Drive more coordination and collaboration with Certified Pedigreed Swine and the National Swine Registry
Cory grew up in the livestock industry and is a part of a very successful club lamb operation (Edge Livestock). He received his Associate’s Degree from Black Hawk in 2014, and his B.S. Degree in Interdisciplinary Agriculture from Texas Tech University in 2016. During his time in college, Cory was a member of successful livestock judging teams at both Black Hawk and Texas Tech.
Over the past 6 years, Cory has gained the following valuable experiences that make him uniquely qualified for the Director of Berkshire Operations role:
– Tyson Fresh Meats: intern that assisted with data collection and research for the Certified Angus Beef Program
– Cargill Meat Solutions: pork procurement intern that got hands-on experience in hog procurement and pork packing operations
– Farm Journal Media: national account manager for the row crop division for 3 years
– Midwest Stud Ram Sale: sale staff member for the largest sheep show and sale in the US
– Stock Talk Podcast: the co-founder of the first show stock podcast in the livestock industry
Cory will be based out of the ABA Office in West Lafayette, IN. When he’s not working, he enjoys spending time with his wife Taylor, and their dog Roxy.
Please help us welcome Cory to the ABA team!