Contact the ABA office, we're happy to help.

Rose Criswell
Director of Berkshire Operations

Drew Farrer
Field Representative & Member Service Coordinator
Board of Directors
This group of volunteers are elected by active, senior members to serve the members.

Pete Brummer
Port Royal, PA

Jeff Wippel
Vice President
Orient, OH

Jeff Smith
Executive Committee
Princeville, IL
Ernie Birchmeier
Corunna, MI
Lane Bennett
Calhoun, GA
Brice Conover
Baxter, IA
Lance Knobloch
Alvord, IA
Austin Lane
Spragueville, IA
John Barnes
Summerfield, NC
2022-2023 Committees
Executive Committee
Pete Brummer, Chair
Jeff Smith, Vice President
John Barnes
Finance & Operating Committee
Jeff Wippel, Chair
Jeff Smith
Pete Brummer
Lance Knobloch
John Barnes
Constitution & By-Laws Committee
Jeff Smith, Chair
Brice Conover
Jim Petrik
Matt Ritter
Marketing & Communication Committee / BMP
John Barnes, Chair
Lance Knobloch
Justin Murray
Mallorie Boggs*
Jeff Smith
Bill Duffy
Nick Jones
Show and Events Committee
Chad Decker
Ernie Birchmeier
Brice Conover
Isaak Beaman
Austin Lane
Mike Fagg
Breed Improvement Committee
Lance Knobloch, Chair
John Barnes
Lane Bennett
Pete Brummer
Austin Lane
Justin Murray
Michelle Schoenwald
Jeff Wippel
Strategic Planning
All Board Members
Foundation Liaison
150th Anniversary Committee
All Board Members
*Non-Voting Member