Updated Berkshire Breed Sire DNA Policy

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Updated Berkshire Breed Sire DNA Policy

In an effort to allow Berkshire breeders to become more informed about selecting genetics that align with their individual goals, the ABA Board of Directors have updated the Sire DNA Policy to now include the Redement Napole (RN) gene:

Effective January 1, 2022, all sires used to register Berkshire litters need to be DNA banked and tested for the stress (HAL-1843) and Redement Napole (RN) genes. The RN test results can be negative, carrier, or positive for recording purposes.

The Redement Napole gene has been found to lower ultimate pH and water holding capacity in pork. The Berkshire breed has been the staple of pork quality for over a century and the ABA believes requiring sires to have a known RN status provides additional value when making breeding and purchasing decisions. 

This policy does not affect any boars that have already been RN tested. If you have a boar that has already been DNA banked with a known stress status and has already sired registered litters in the past, you will still need to have those boars RN tested effective January 1, 2022. It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure their boar is RN tested. The cost of the RN test alone is $28 and the cost for both HAL-1843 and RN together is $53. The ABA office staff is available to assist you as we work toward continued breed improvement and education.